We have been working hard over the past months on adding a new product range to our portfolio. We have been working in private homes and commercial offices over the past 25 years. During these years, we have seen many home improvement projects that we have grown to love and feel passionate about. We will continue to provide window and door security grilles. However, we decided to expand the services that we offer.
We are proud to introduce our new company: Warm Vent, providing air-to-air heating and cooling solutions for homes and commercial properties. We even have a dedicated website to market our new services on. This can be found on: https://www.air2airheatpumps.co.uk/
Air-to-Air Heat Pumps – Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling
Air to Air heat pump is a modern technology that offers energy efficient heating and cooling in one system. It is the only sustainable heating solution that can also work in reverse and provide cool air during the hot summer months.
Not only do they provide both heating and cooling, but they also also have a built in air filter mechanism. This enhances air quality, to add to the overall comfort and wellness of a home.

Heat pumps are proven to work on 300% energy efficiency. This is a significant improvement from average UK radiators that tend to work around 85% of energy efficiency. Air to air heat pumps are also significantly cheaper, quicker and more simple to install than air to water heat pumps. There is no need to reconfigure the entire existing heating system, and re-do any current pipe work. They are simply an add on that will serve to reduce the energy bills in the long term.
Last, but not least importantly, air-to-air heat pumps use renewable energy. Therefore significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the property. Since governments incentivise such new technologies, this also means there is no VAT to pay on the purchase and installation of air to air heat pumps. That is an instant saving of 20%!
Give us a call for a free consultation, and see if your home can benefit from a more energy efficient heating system.