Burglars are ingenious coming up with new ways of gaining access to properties. They can pick out the easiest doors to break in easily. They know all the lock types, & each of their potential weak points.
We believe however that the more we can keep up with learning about burglars new tricks, the more we can help our customers. Sharing our expertise and experience is an integral part of our service to our customers. Hence in this article we have brought two of the most recent – and surprising – tricks that we have seen burglars started to use. Apart from raising awareness, they may even make a great table talk subject.
First one is a shocking damage to the front door, especially the ones made of cheap plastic materials with Euro locks on them. Using a blowtorch, they simply heat and melt the UPVC or composite material around the lock. This would compromise or expose the lock itself.

Another trick is using a small piece of magnet. Burglars slip it over the bolt-hole of an unlocked door. This prevents the bolt to latch properly. They may do this very quickly and unnoticeably whilst the family is at home during daylight, or later in the evening. The intruder then returns to the house once the owners are sleeping or away. They can enter easily, as the property is virtually unlocked.
Security Grilles Outmanoeuvre the Sharpest of Intruders
Retractable security grilles present the ultimate protection against any of the above burglary attempts. Firstly, even just the sight of security grilles on a property will most likely deter any attempt, as they are too complicated to start fiddling with. Secondly, window and door security grilles also add a physical barrier to each potential entry point on a house. They are made of durable aluminium that won’t rust, yet, they are lightweight enough for a smooth operation.
In our view it is much cheaper to install security grilles now, than having to repair the damages following a break in. Security grilles save the trauma, offer a sense of ultimate security, and work out cheaper than a burglary.